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About the classes...

At the Gym

Grit Cardio / Grit Strength

30mins of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout that improves cardiovascular fitness, increases speed and maximizes calorie burn.

  • 'Cardio' is own body weight.

  • 'Strength' is with a light barbell and plates or dumbbells.


A high-energy fitness class with moves that cater for total beginners to total addicts. Ditch running in the streets for fun cardio!


NO weights needed

Outdoor Aerobics
Lifting Weights


A high rep workout on the beat of the music.
Ideal workout for anyone looking to get lean, toned and fit – fast.

Weights needed.

(Barbell with plates or Dumbbells)


A yoga-based class that will improve your mind, your body and your life.
Bend and stretch through a series of simple yoga moves and embrace elements of Tai Chi.
You’ll leave feeling calm and centred and happy.

NO weights needed

(Yoga mat is ideal, yet not essential)

Pilates Stretches
Sit Ups


30mins of exercising muscles around the core.
You'll do body weight exercises like crunches, and hovers (planks).
You will also get into some hip, butt and lower back exercises.


Equipment of band/tube and weights is OPTIONAL.

A sweat towel or own bodyweight can be used!

Maybe even some water bottles for a bit of added resistance.




Strength Training

30mins of lifting heavy weights. Working on technique and at your own pace.
Banging tunes will always be supplied.

Pair of dumbbells needed or Kettlebell.

Kettle Ball Squats

Pyramid Training

30mins creating overload with only a handful of exercises. Short and sweet. The time will fly you will feel stronger and. fitter than ever.

Weights or no weights. This is the beauty of this! There is always an element of cardio within, but on the most part, you make this as strength based as you want.

Classes: Services
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